Monday, September 30, 2019

Norton Lily

PHASE 1 OF THE TURNAROUND : Building The Foundation Jim Burton set about analyzing the business with an emphasis on quick wins that would contribute to developing the long-term â€Å"execution† foundation. * He was dealing with seasoned industry veterans, each with deaply held beliefs and paradigms about the business – how it had been and should be run. In an effort to build confidence and gain acceptance among his senior peers ( it had to be an incremental approach) * With encouragement and support of the owner, burton first formed an executive committee of nine, including the five business unit.The objective in forming executives committee was to begin decentralizing the decision making process away from the two owner. ( The owners not actively participate in committee sessions, but would instead attend summary reviews, at the conclusion of each meeting, to provide counsel and advice ) * He was to transform the company and build the sustainable growth platform the own er wanted Identifying and Understanding Value Creating Processes Burton focused on its execution and on helping Norton Lilly’s executives understand the key processes that enabled good strategy execution and value creation. Burton first launced process mapping in the linier group, which operated in eight different US offices * At the time, the liner division offered a fragmented mix of services across its eight location, with each location performing some activities more effectively than other location and all location failing to provide adequate service in some regard * By late 2007, mapping the key processes involved in delivering each type of service had helped management and employee understanding of processes led to improved process standardization, end administrative procedures that duplicated work, improved costumer satisfaction, and penalties * By the end of 2007, Burton had assigned responbility for achieving KPI goals to individual managers and supervisor overseeing specific value creating process within the liner division Implementing a Balanced Scorecard Performance Measurement System Accompanying the KPI’s rollout was a balanced scorecard, wich further focused managerial employees attention on the performace of value creating process. Metrics included in the balance scorecard system used at Norton Lilly included process KPI’s. costumer satisfaction and financial performance * In late 2007 Norton Lilly’s balance scorecard system was expanded to included a â€Å" dashboard† of performance indicators that could provide overview of business unit level * The dashboard contained : * Revenue compared to budget * Expense groupings compared to budget * Capital expenditures compared to budget Top 10 Costumer profitability * By the end of 2007 Norton Lilly business unit leaders were holding monthlymeetings to review KPI status and propose corrective action to resolve differences between expectations and actual performance R esource Allocation Policies Other foundation building actions undertaken in 2007 included in the initation of various policy changes. One such policy change involved the company’s capital outlay policy, which was the first new policy established by the executive committee. * The capital outlay policy came about after Burton discovered that the company had variously launched into a number of ventures without much success. The policy called for a nine step due diligence process, that nine steps were as follows: 1. Description of the opportunity 2. Description of how the opportunity fit with Norton Lilly’s objectives 3. Assessment of the competitive threats 4. Assessment of the competitive landscape 5. How success whouldbe ensured 6. Proposed exit strategy 7. Business case 8. Financila pro forma 9. List of major assumtions and risk * The capital outlay policy would ensure that decision to entef into any business venture would be fully vetted, based on fact, not opinions B uilding Managerial Talent Throught out 2007 Norton Lilly focused on another important foundation building element management development. * Burton introduced a leadership evelopment program that matched a person’s profile to a job, the program was based on the fundamental premise that managerial employees could be classified into one of four basic profil; stategist, project director, networker or external qualifier * After being tested and profiled, the 20 highest-rangking employees at Norton lilly entered into workshops directed at helping members of the management team interpreteach profile and respect and deal effectively with differing profiles PHASE II OF THE TURNAROUND REINFORCING THE FOUNDATION The effort undertaken during Phase 1 of Norton Lilly’s turnaround had produced a profitable fiscal 2007, which was the company’s first profitable year since 2003. Improving Information Used for Decision Making Dashboard were also expanded to all of Norton Lillyâ₠¬â„¢s business units.Linerm Ship services, and Overseas. As well as the addiction of Financial measures such as cash flow and accounts receivable KPI’s Changing Financial Performance Expectations Burton initiated another policy change in 2008, although less a stated policy than a mindset. * The concept of value creation was introduced at an executive committee meeting in late 2007 and became the basis for all 2008 budgeting * The concept of earning a fair rate of return based on assumed risk didn’t exist at Norton Lilly, so as apart of the 2008 budgeting exercise each business unit leader was given a margin target A NEW APPROACH TO FORCASTING FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE Provide continual refreshing of the assumptions underlying the forecast * Provide the company a continual look at its next 12 months, regardless of how many months were left in the calendar year The move to rolling forecast helpd managers improve forecasting accuracy to the extent that the company missed its financial projections. TAHAP 1 DARI TURNAROUN : Membangun Pondasi Jim Burton berurusan dengan veteran industri berpengalaman, masing-masing dengan keyakinan dipegang dan paradigma tentang bisnis – bagaimana hal itu telah dan harus dijalankan. Dalam upaya untuk membangun kepercayaan dan mendapatkan penerimaan di antara rekan seniornya (itu harus pendekatan inkremental)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Dengan dorongan dan dukungan dari owner, Burton pertama membentuk executive committee of nine, termasuk lima bisnis unit. Tujuan dalam membentuk executive committee adalah untuk mulai desentralisasi proses pengambilan keputusan dari kedua owner . owner tidak aktif berpartisipasi dalam sesi komite, melainkan akan menghadiri summary review, pada akhir / kesimpulan setiap pertemuan, untuk memberikan nasihat dan saran)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Jim Burton mengubah perusahaan dan membangun sustainable growth platform Mengidentifikasi dan Memahami Value Creating Processes Burton berfokus pada p elaksanaannya dan membantu Norton Lilly’s executives memahami key process yang memungkinkan strategi eksekusi yang baik dan penciptaan nilai. Burton pertama meluncurkan proses pemetaan pada kelompok kapal , yang beroperasi di delapan kantor yang berbeda o   Ã‚  Ã‚  Pada saat itu, divisi kapal menawarkan berbagai pelayanan terfragmentasi di delapan lokasi, dengan masing-masing lokasi melakukan beberapa kegiatan yang lebih efektif daripada lokasi lain. an lokasi semua gagal untuk memberikan layanan yang memadai dalam hal tertentu   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Pada akhir 2007, pemetaan key process yang terlibat dalam memberikan setiap jenis layanan telah membantu manajemen dan karyawan memahami proses untuk memperbaiki proses standarisasi, mengakhiri prosedur administrative yang tidak efektif , meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan. Pada akhir tahun 2007, Burton diberi tanggung jawab untuk mencapai tujuan KPI untuk manajer individu dan supervisor mengawasi spesicific value creating proce ss dalam divisi kapal Menerapkan Kinerja Balance Scorecard Sistem Pengukuran Seimbang Sistem balanced scorecard fokus ke perhatian manajerial karyawan pada performance value creating process.Metrik yang termasuk dalam sistem balance scorecard digunakan di Norton Lilly termasuk proses KPI kepuasan pelanggan dan kinerja keuangan   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Pada akhir tahun 2007 sistem balance scorecard Norton Lilly diperluas untuk memasukkan â€Å"dashboard† indikator kinerja yang dapat memberikan gambaran tingkat unit bisnis o   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Dashboard berisi: Pendapatan dibandingkan dengan anggaran Pengelompokan Expence dibandingkan dengan anggaran   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Pengeluaran modal dibandingkan dengan anggaran   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Top 10 Costumer profitabilitas Pada akhir tahun 2007 para pemimpin unit bisnis Lilly Norton memegang monthlymeetings untuk meninjau status KPI dan mengusulkan tindakan korektif untuk mengatasi perbedaan antara harapan dan kine rja aktual Alokasi sumber daya Kebijakan Tindakan membangun pondasi lainnya dilakukan pada tahun 2007 termasuk dalam inisiasi perubahan berbagai kebijakan.Salah satu perubahan kebijakan tersebut melibatkan kebijakan pengeluaran modal perusahaan, yang merupakan kebijakan baru pertama kali didirikan oleh komite eksekutif. Kebijakan pengeluaran modal muncul setelah Burton menemukan bahwa perusahaan telah meluncurkan beberapa usaha tanpa banyak keberhasilan. Kebijakan menyerukan sembilan langkah due diligence process karena sembilan langkah tersebut adalah sebagai berikut: 1. Deskripsi kesempatan 2. Deskripsi bagaimana kesempatan fit dengan Norton Lilly objectives 3. Penilaian terhadap ancaman kompetitif 4. Penilaian terhadap kompetitif landscape 5. Bagaimana keberhasilan bias dipastikan 6. Usulan exit strategy 7. Kasus bisnis 8. Financial pro forma 9. Daftar asumsi utama dan resikoKebijakan pengeluaran modal akan memastikan bahwa keputusan untuk masuk ke setiap usaha bisnis akan sepenu hnya diperiksa, berdasarkan fakta, bukan pendapat Membangun Bakat Manajerial Norton Lilly terfokus pada perkembangan foundation building elemen management development yang lain   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Burton memperkenalkan program pengembangan kepemimpinan menyesuaikan profil seseorang sesuai dengan pekerjaannya , program ini didasarkan pada premis dasar bahwa karyawan manajerial dapat diklasifikasikan ke dalam salah satu dari empat profil dasar; stategist, direktur proyek, networker atau eksternal kualifikasi   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Setelah diuji dan diprofilkan, 20-rangking karyawan yang tertinggi di Norton lilly engadakan workshop diarahkan untuk membantu anggota tim manajemen saling memahami, menghormati dan menangani secara efektif. FASE II DARI TURNAROUND: Memperkuat Pondasi Upaya yang dilakukan selama fase 1 dari turnaround Norton Lilly telah menghasilkan fiskal tahun 2007 yang menguntungkan, yang mana ini menjadi tahun pertama yang menguntungkan perusahaan sejak tahun 2003 . Meningkatkan Informasi Digunakan untuk Pengambilan Keputusan Dashboard juga diperluas ke semua unit bisnis Norton Lilly. Serta penambahan ukuran finansial seperti arus kas dan rekening yang piutang KPI Mengubah Harapan Kinerja Keuangan Burton memulai lagi perubahan kebijakan pada tahun 2008, walaupun kurang kebijakan dinyatakan dari pola pikir.Konsep penciptaan nilai diperkenalkan pada pertemuan komite eksekutif pada akhir 2007 dan menjadi dasar bagi semua penganggaran 2008   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Konsep a fair rate of return berdasarkan risiko diasumsikan tidak ada di Norton Lilly, sehingga terpisah dari budgeting exercise 2008 masing-masing pimpinan unit bisnis diberi target marjin Pendekatan baru untuk peramalan kinerja keuangam Meng-udate atau refresh terus-menerus asumsi yang mendasari forcasting   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Memberikan perusahaan melihat terus-menerus pada 12 bulan berikutnya, terlepas dari berapa bulan yang tersisa di tahun kalender. Hal tersebut membantu manajer meningkatkan akurasi peramalan saat perusahaan membutuhkan proyeksi keuangan.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Online vs Offline Distribution Strategies for Hotels

In order to set the context of the presentation, it is important to examine where the distribution strategy takes place in the global marketing strategy. According to Meidan and Lee (1982), four main stages constitute the global marketing strategy of hotels: identification of the target market and the needs of these customers; formulation of the marketing objectives; definition of the constraints (mainly linked to the environment of the hotel); and finally, allocation of marketing resources.This last stage can itself be divided in four components, following the Marketing Mix model of McCarthy (1960): product, place (also called distribution), promotion and price. Before the internet and online technologies, the distribution channels were limited in the hotel industry. They could be separated into two categories: direct and indirect channels of distribution. Direct channel was the internal Sales team of the hotel. Salespeople were of vital importance when it came to â€Å"making cont acts with companies, organisations and channel intermediaries, such as travel agents† (Meidan and Lee, 1982).Indirect channels of distribution include Tour Operators (travel agents), airlines and in centralized operations in the case of franchised or chains of hotels. In these circumstances, what kind of distribution strategy can be put in place? The importance of intermediaries in creating value has been outlined by Dub? and Renaghan (2000). Surveys amongst travel agents have shown that the expectations of these different actors differ. Second in the top ten hotel practices cited by these intermediaries stands the criteria â€Å"hotel has good sales representation†, while first is that the â€Å"hotel has up-to-date reservations computer†.This last argument might nowadays be seen as a required attribute, but in 2000 this was seen as an advantage to the hotel. Another example of distribution strategy is developing intermediaries’ loyalty, and the attribute s leading to this loyalty differ between travel agents and meeting planners. All these criteria changed with the arrival of internet, as studied in the next section. The importance of the internet in marketing and distribution is undisputed by scholars and has been for years.This is no different for Hoteliers who can access this resource through a number of different ways. Their own website allows hotels to have more reactive pricing strategies, keep information about themselves up to date, and provides the easiest method to have contact with customers. Online directory websites, tour operator websites, and travel agency websites all act as intermediaries between the hotel and customer in much the same way as the offline travel agent used to do but to a global audience.Whilst taking a commission these can still be profit maximising channels for hotels because they sell to a broader customer base than the hotel would otherwise have access to. Review websites, whilst not run by hotels either, are also a crucial contact network with consumers. They are trusted by consumers and tap into Word of Mouth which has long been recognized as effective. Search engines have similarly been identified as commonly used by potential tourists and provide huge amounts of traffic to hotel websites.It is therefore important to consider purchasing advertising space through these for the Hotelier’s distribution channel. Whilst search engines and review sites are not technically distribution channels (as you cannot book on them) they are still important to be aware on when looking from a hotel’s perspective at the online system. Having said all this it is important to remember how fast moving the technology is in this section and therefore the best hotels will have an eye on the future and how that will effect distribution channels.This is what the following section will look at. Innovative distribution strategies such as IVR Hotel Reservation System and Promoted Hotels on Google Hotel Finder are the future, where it will be easier for Hoteliers to promote themselves than ever before. It opens a bidding war between various OTA’s to provide the lowest price. Various innovations in social media can eventually lead to the death of Online Travel Agencies. But on the other hand, search engines will have nothing to worry about as there is hardly anything better than search.There has been a rapid increase in mobile bookings in recent years. More and more people have started using their mobile devices to make various reservations. Hence, Hoteliers should also focus more on developing their mobile websites, enhancing the user experience and making their website and content more discoverable by using search engine optimization techniques. They should also ensure that all the content on the site is multi-lingual because information is accessed by a global market.In today’s world, travellers are exposed to so much information coming via different platforms that they no longer keep track of the source of information or even the format. They do not know the difference between media channels and content formats. In other words, the coming together of media channels and consumers has led to a new channel – customer engagement. Hence, hotel distributors should pay more attention to direct online channel and its various sectors such as websites, social media platforms, mobile web development and so on.They need to invest more in multi-channel distribution and marketing strategies. We conclude with a summary of the merits of offline and online distribution channels today. For offline this includes the ability for up-sale to customers, access to a demand of customers wanting an easier time booking holidays that their own distribution channels might exclude, and the fact that the face-to-face contact can provide friendlier interaction with customers the hotel is otherwise not able to provide.Offline will remain important in t he present day by selling more tailor-made products and specific ‘experiences’. For Hoteliers it is important to tap this market as well. At the same time online is obviously an important distribution method as well. It allows hotels greater flexibility and control, a globalisation of the product, increased interaction with customers, an ease of pricing and allows an incorporation of social- and multi-media.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Customer value Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Customer value - Essay Example The main points discussed in the paper will be summed up in the conclusion. Samsung Electronics is based in South Korea and it specialises in manufacturing and distributing a wide range of consumer electronic products. The company was founded in 1938 and it has been involved in business of manufacturing electronic products for quite a long time. The company also has many affiliates as well as subsidiaries that operate under its brand name. According to the company’s 2012 annual report, Samsung is the world’s largest mobile phone manufacturer as indicated by the unit sales of the products. The smart phones offered by the company are by far the best compared to other products offered by rival competitors. Currently, the company operates in more than 200 countries across the globe and it has its own retail stores as well as subsidiaries that distribute its products to different customers across the whole world. Organizational objectives The main objective of Samsung Compan y is to offer products that are of superior value to the customers. The company is guided by a simple philosophy, â€Å"strong values and high ethical standards that inform our work every day. In everything we do, we strive to help people live better lives† (Samsung). ... The other objective of Samsung is to maintain market leadership and to increase market share through creating loyalty among the customers across the globe. The company also aims to invest in people as well as distribution systems with a long term view of building a strong customer base (Samsung). Product and brand portfolio Samsung offers a wide range of electronic products that include the following: IT and mobile communication technology, printers, televisions, radios, DVDs, CDs, health and medical equipment, washing machines, stoves, fridges, computers, home theatres, cameras, memory devices among other products. According to its Annual Report 2012, Samsung Electronics is the global leader in the mobile communication technology. Its Galaxy phone has given it a competitive advantage over other players in this field. The company has managed to attract millions of customers across the globe and it is also performing well in the area of televisions. Basically, the brand portfolio of S amsung Electronics is comprised of different state-of-the-art products that are valued by many customers. The brand name is very powerful and it is regarded as one of the best especially in mobile communication. Pricing strategies Attracting and retaining customers can be a difficult task given that they have a wide choice to make from the products offered in the market. In most cases, a customer buys from the firm that offers the highest customer perceived value especially on the basis of evaluating the difference between all benefits and costs of a market offering compared to those of competing products. The aspect of price of the product has a

Friday, September 27, 2019

Social Work Nursing Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Social Work Nursing - Case Study Example Nursing is a profession which really teaches you beside other professional knowledge as to how to become more patient and serve the humanity with all your heart and soul. It not only provides you a chance to be more caring and considerate but also give you an opportunity to grow as a person. Further Nursing as a profession has evolved over the period of time and has now emerged one of the highly respectable and demanding professions of the world. With these aims in my mind, I chose to consider nursing as my professionNursing, as a profession, need to have a balanced view where the new entrants into the profession must also know about the academic knowledge of their profession however, they must possess the knowledge of the practical realities of the profession also. However, this can only be done if people who train them should have practical as well as academic knowledge.Since mental health is also related with the psychology of a person therefore I believe this aspect of the profes sion has also allowed me to consider this as a profession which is worthwhile to be pursued. It is believed the psychology emerged on its modern footings almost a century ago however its influence is still considered to be current in terms of its impact on the overall sciences related with mental and physical health of a person. What was most fascinating about this emergence of the psychology is the fact that it had radically changed the way we use to perceive and view life at large. However no science can play a constructive and positive role in society until and unless it is not ethically practiced. It also must be noted that traditionally psychologists have relied on the principles of value avoiding and value neutral model where it was believed that in order to get the truth- the truth about the person, moral values could not be taken into account. (Lowen, 1993). One of the most important reasons that I wish to study to study for this profession is the fact that it provides a very accurate and true picture of how a person evolve over the period of time. Every person’s life carries a distinct plot, a different set of characteristics which distinguish each of us from others. (Hockbury, 1996,375). It is important in the sense that it provides you a better look at how the life unfolds itself and how we as professionals can contribute towards the overall

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Network Security Architecture Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Network Security Architecture - Research Paper Example When analyzing the vulnerability of a WLAN, it is crucial to identify the trusted and un-trusted parts. The security edge in the Centralized approach is the WLAN switch. Here, the Access Points lack strong encryption or authentication technology hence making it vulnerable to rogue inappropriate communication between APs. In Distributed Architecture, on the other hand, security is extended to the client devices where strong encryption occurs at both the APs and client devices along with authentication. This makes attacks more difficult because the security edge is closer to the users. In this case, a Distributed Architecture can be considered more superior to the centralized architecture as the APs handle the packets and only traffic management needs to go to and from a central point. Careful planning, implementation and management are needed to eliminate WLAN security risks in an organization. This can be aided by establishing security policies and practices, separating internal networks logically, eliminating unnecessary protocols, protecting wireless devices, restricting AP connections, enabling VPN access only, among other

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

International Economics and Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

International Economics and Law - Essay Example 100. One individual claimed to have caught flu even after using the medication; however, the company refused to pay him claiming that the offer had been made worldwide; therefore, it ceased to be an offer. Nevertheless, this offer was valid and the manufacturer owed the patient ?100 (formation of a contract, S8). Another characteristic of a contract is that it must be specific, in that, vagueness is not acceptable. In the United Kingdom, contracts are part of life. Contracts are inclusive of a promise and there is a legal duty that arises from such a promise. For instance, in the sale of property, a buyer has the obligation of paying the agreed amount whilst the seller’s obligation lies in transferring the title of the property sold to a buyer. The third element involving a contract is the remedy for breach of duty; an offer, consideration, and acceptance are considered as part of any contract. In case one party breaches his/duty in the contract, the other party or the aggriev ed party has the right for remedy. In addition, there must be an offer accompanied by a reasonable consideration, which must be accepted or rejected by the offeree of the contract. According to Ross (2009), in the United Kingdom, contract formation can be made on paper and online. ... The seller may accept that offer by selling the item to the customer; however, he may reject the offer if an agreement is not reached. Nevertheless, due to technological advancement, most contracts in the United Kingdom are done online; however, the elements of a contact must be involved. In Switzerland, formation of a contract does not require formalities of any kind. A contract can be concluded orally by showing the will to enter into a contract. The Swiss law however requires an individual to be above the age of 18years and above in order to engage in a contract; that is, any party to the contract must be at the age of majority and must have the legitimate capacity to enter into a contract. However, making a void contract in Swiss has the consequences of impossibility, such that, such a contract that defies the rule of contract formation cannot be executed or they can never be legally binding. Illegality is also an element of void contracts, whereby, contacts are declared null by the courts, hence forcing the partnerships to be dissolved (Dessemontet, 2004, p.111). According to Bucher (N.d, p.105), Swiss law recognizes the freedom of contracts, such as, an individual has the freedom to conclude a contract with a partner of his choice, and the freedom to establish the conditions of a contract. The similarity between UK and Swiss in terms of contract formation lies in the fact that the contract elements of consensus, offer, and acceptance apply in both countries. The contract formed must be valid; however, when some terms are acceptable, then the contract will be declared void. In addition, there is no limitation when choosing a contract partner. Question 2: The WTO Doha Round: Describe the agenda and status as well as the

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Development of the professional role Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Development of the professional role - Essay Example I have selected this episode of practice, individualized care, because it is the section I took most of my time learning and had a vast experienced and involvement with other practitioners. I will use Gibbs Reflective Cycle to discuss this episode, my experiences, my actions, and lessons learned during the practice. Through the use of Gibbs Reflective Model, I will address clinical decision making, management, leadership and teamwork, delegation and supervision of others, quality assurance, and continuing professional development. I will address the above mentioned themes in relation to Gibbs Reflective Cycle of how I have developed in these areas during my training to date. I will also use Gibbs Reflective Cycle to demonstrate my fitness to practice and reflect on my personal and professional development, and the skills needed to be utilized in order to enhance my practice. The Gibbs Reflective Model is a six step cycle structured method which enables the students to explore their feelings and thoughts and encourages an action plan and analysis with the aim of challenging practice and improving knowledge (Brown 2007). The aim of this reflection will focus on individualized care for a patient of a man, who I will not mention the name in order to protect his anonymity. The reflection will equally examine my feelings and thoughts, evaluations, and critical appraisal of the care given to the patient in line with the National Health Service. While on placement in Emergency and Accident Department, I was assigned a patient under individualized care, to record his follow-up vital signs and document my findings on a chart. I was supposed to observe any deterioration and report and discharge or recommend referrals where possible as a health professional in charge of ensuring safe and effective discharge of patients from the hospital to their homes. This reflection is aligned with the policies established by the 2010 Quality Health Framework. The

Monday, September 23, 2019

Leases (Accounting) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Leases (Accounting) - Essay Example The proposed changes have come to address this concern wherein structuring the amount presented in the transaction is reduced to achieve a desired accounting outcome. Also, to decrease complexity, to improve transparency and comparability, and to have more complete financial statements, the IASB and US FASB had published a joint proposal to change the existing standard of lease accounting. The scope of the proposed improvement involves US - SFAS 13 and IFRS - IAS 17 wherein the aim is to develop a new single approach instead of the previous operating and finance lease approaches (ACCA 2009). In the proposed ‘right-of-use’ mode, investors and other users of financial statements need not to make necessary adjustments because all assets and liabilities are now being recognized in the statement of financial position. In this paper, the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed changes from the board exposure draft will be recognized. Also, the impact of the new single approach on the financial statements will be given an appropriate analysis. The exposure draft has been published to solicit comments from the public either positive or negative. The board thinks that the advantages of creating a consistent approach will decrease complexity and at the same time increase comparability of financial statements that will outweigh the disadvantages (FASB 2010 p.93). Advantages. Providing a complete presentation of financial reporting information for users of financial statements will increase transparency, and this is one of the major advantages of the proposal (IFRS 2009 p.4). A ‘complete presentation’ in the sense that the understated assets and liabilities arising from all lease contracts will now be identified. All of the company’s leasing activities either in a form of an assets or liabilities will now be

Sunday, September 22, 2019

DELL Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

DELL - Essay Example The most disappointing thing was the location of the launch as the Chinese got the first experience being the aim market for Dell; evidently, this itself was substandard for the people in the west (Camp 2012). All the same, the phone looked splendid with a rare design; moreover, it had a built-in receiver and ran on an Open Mobile System. Once people heard about these and other features, the interest faded slowly; naturally, for a leading computer technology company, one would expect features such as 3G circuitry in an android phone manufactured in China. Most of the consumers also lamented about the lack of Wi-Fi in the smartphone; in fact, the only type of wireless network that the device had was Bluetooth. The touchscreen was better off with a screen resolution greater than that of the iPhone; appreciably, the camera was standard but not top class. However, to add on to the problems, the device lacked a favorable keyboard, which was disappointing as the iPhone and android Samsung phones launched before it had the same problem thus people expected an improvement on this model. Generally, the Dell Mini i3 smartphone was a downfall for the company and the only reason very few considered it was because of impressive features such as Micro SD card slot or the USB port. Essentially, Dell China and China Mobile faced the greatest challenge then, due to a lot of criticism; however, Dell took almost all the blame because this was their first smartphone and it seems China Mobile was not in support of launching the project because no updates have come up (Camp 2012). Decisively, Dell requires a new and unique smartphone to redeem the company as a whole and that particular division, definitely, the new gadget, better than the latest iPhone or android Samsung phones will meet the customers’ needs and act as a foundation for corporate social responsibility and

Saturday, September 21, 2019

John Watson and B.F. Skinner Essay Example for Free

John Watson and B.F. Skinner Essay There are several theories out there on child development, but I’d like to share with you the theory that I believe in and connect with the most. This theory is called Behaviorism and Social- Learning and can be attributed to a psychologist named John Watson (1878-1958) and B.F. Skinner (1904-1990) Watson using classical conditioning which means the learning that takes place based on an association of a stimulus that does not ordinarily elicit a response with another stimulus that does elicit response. It is important to note that in classical conditioning, the stimulus comes before the behavior or response. Skinner using operant conditioning which is defined as a process in which a response is gradually learned via reinforcement or punishment. John Watson and B.F. Skinner introduced this theory and felt that children learned through a system of stimulus/ response events. Watson and Skinner use nurture approach. Development is based upon learned behaviors which are based upon a child’s interactions with their environment and influenced by positive or negative reinforcement. Reinforcement can be both positive and negative. Positive reinforcement is something good for children, whereas negative reinforcement is something unpleasant, but remember this is not to be confused with punishment. One knows there are some drawbacks is that it does not account for children’s culture, their values, and their social influences such as the special relationship between them and their parent or peers. Social learning theory addresses these concerns. As child growing up with my brother my parents used  positive and negative reinforcement. When we did not receive a passing grade we would have to stay inside and work extra hard to pass the next test, or if the gave credit. But if we received a passing grade we would be rewarded by going out to dinner of our choice or getting ice cream. If we did chores around the house we had a choice between the prize or money. If we did not complete the chore we would not receive anything. Most of the time when we did not complete the chore we would get upset, so my parents would explain that when you do a chore you get rewarded, but if you do not do your chores you will not receive anything. I use Behaviorism and Social Learning theory while working with children. If the child had a good day at school I would give them something from the prize box when someone came to get them from school. When they did not have a good day at school and they receive nothing from the prize box, and when someone come to get them I would explain why happened at school, and that is why the child cant receive anything from the prize box today. I am not a parent yet, but when I do become a parent I will be use John Watson and B.F. Skinner theory in teaching my children.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Coral Reef Bleaching Environmental Sciences Essay

The Coral Reef Bleaching Environmental Sciences Essay Coral are very old animals that have evolved over millions of years to become reef-building organisms. On Earth, coral reefs are among the most biologically diverse places to be found. They may only cover a small percent of the ocean, about .2 percent, but more than 25 percent of the marine life resides there. The two main types of coral are hard coral and soft coral. Hard coral is the major species that build reefs. Similar to tropical rainforests, coral reefs are usually located within 30 degrees latitude of the equator. Water temperatures for the reefs are between 16 and 30 degrees Celsius, though there are coral outside these regions with somewhat colder temperatures. The ideal development waters for reefs are tropical waters which are low in nitrogen, phosphorous and other nutrients, stable temperatures, as well as stable salt content. The coral reefs we see today are a result of thousands of years of production and cycling through life and death. Coral only contribute a smaller portion of life found in the reefs, though they create a habitat for various amounts of other species. There are three main types of coral reefs: barrier reefs, fringing reefs, and atolls. Respectively, these reefs are offshore, separated by water from land, continuous with land, and islands made of coral that flank lagoons. Though there are different types, the general coral makeup is the same. After years of mystery, we now know that coral is very complex in its design. Coral is a symbiotic relationship with the small animals that make up coral called polyps, and the microscopic algae called zooxanthellae that live inside the coral. [1][2] Coral reefs lives in colonies consisting of many polyps using living tissues to connect to each other. Each polyp resembles a cupcake shape with a circle of tentacles near the opening. To capture zooplankton for food, the tentacles are equipped with stinging cells for trapping. The small polyps secrete limestone, also known as calcium carbonate. The exoskeleton of the coral is made of these secretions, just like the shell of a snail. Reefs are able to grow from the stone. [4] The algae that live in the corals use the process of photosynthesis, taking sunlight to converts water and carbon dioxide into sustenance. The polyps receive most of their energy this way, although they are carnivorous. For providing the corals with energy, the algae are provided shelter to live, taking the coral waste for their own growth. A situation where two organisms live together gaining benefit is called mutualistic symbiosis.[15] In every ecosystem, there are three groups of organisms: producers, consumers, and decomposers. Producers are usually organisms that take in sunlight to produce energy. The consumers are above the producers, and range from herbivore, omnivore, and carnivore. Next are decomposers that break down dead plants and animals that help provide food back to the producers. [12] At a first glance, the initial food source may not be very apparent in coral reefs, as there are usually low levels of actual plants to the visible eye. However, the microscopic algae as stated before take in sunlight, use photosynthesis, and create energy for the other animals and the coral. At the base of all food chains, the primary producers, also known as autotrophs are found. The producers have the ability to synthesize intricate, organic compounds like glucose using inorganic molecules and sunlight. This process is called photosynthesis. Less common producers are some bacteria. These get energy by oxidizing other inorganic compounds like hydrogen sulfide. These are better suited to live in more hostile areas such as deep sea vents. The greater proportion of production happens in the euphotic zone. This zone is within the first 70 meters of water. The way productivity is measured, is in grams of carbon produced per meter of ocean surface per year, better written as g C/m2/yr. Total productivity of the ocean is estimated to be between 75 and 150 g C/m2/yr. Common producers in the coral reefs are phytoplankton, the symbiotic zooxanthellae that live with the corals, different types of algae like coralline and turf algae, along with some seaweed. One of the more important primary producers is phytoplankton. Phytoplankton is a group of organisms like diatoms, dinoflagellates, some bacteria, and smaller species known as nanoplankton which grow about 2.0-20mm long, and picoplankton. These grow to about 0.2-2.0mm.[21] Next come consumers. Consumers rely on the producers and other consumers as their main source of energy. The first set of consumers is organisms like zooplankton, some species of corals, sea urchins, green sea turtles, herbivorous fish, and herbivorous larvae. Secondary consumers are generally carnivores, going for primary consumers. After the carnivores, come tertiary consumers, and prey on secondary consumers. These consumers tend to be carnivores as well, but can also be omnivores as well. Common types of zooplankton are copepods, amphipods and ciliates. These zooplankton, along with many more types, are the most plentiful consumers. Phytoplankton evels in the waters of coral reefs can be around 15 to 65 percent lower than neighboring open waters in the ocean because of the large amount of primary consumers that live there. Some species of coral and benthic grazers feed by filtering water to trap phytoplankton. Other creatures eat seaweed, and even the coral itself.[21] Secondary consumers are the animals that prey on primary consumers, therefore making them carnivorous. They are split up into four main groups: plankton feeders, corallivores (feeding on coral tissues), feeders that prey on other invertibrates, and fish eaters also known as piscivores. Barnacles, smaller damselfish, whales sharks, and some invertebrates make up the group of plankton feeders. The corallivores go a step further, being divided into four more groups: Coral tissue generalists, coral scrapers, polyp eaters, and mucus feeders. The most destructive sub group are the coral tissue generalists. Flatworms, parasitic snails and nudibranchs, and the Crown of Thorns sea star devour coral, leaving skeletons behind. The mucus feeders dine on slimy mucus that comes from the coral. Some examples animals of this group are shrimps and coral guard crabs. Parrot fish, butterfly fish, and certain species of trigger fish are some commonly known coral scrapers. The fish that are well adapted to eat coral polyps are able to stretch out or elongate parts of their bodies to cherry pick polyps singly out of a coral animal. Damsel fish, and many species of butterfly fish are some examples. Benthic invertebrates such as crustaceans and mollusks are eaten by many species of fish. Cephalopods focus on eating arthropods like lobsters and mantis shrimp, along with shelled invertebrates. Cone shells have been specialized on certain, specific invertebrates. Crown of Thorns sea stars are eaten by Tritons, or Charonia tritonis. Many species of fish, as well as some mollusks and arthropods are piscivores, feasting upon other fish for food. At the top of the food chain, where the animals prey on smaller fish, are the tertiary consumers. These animals are marine animals like dolphins, seals, and if they are around, even sea birds are considered. [21] In all ecosystems, decomposers are one of the most important parts of the food chain. Decomposers break down deceaced biological matter and waste from other organisms. They then transfer these things into energy, meanwhile they return the important materials back to the environment. In coral reefs, the main decomposers are bacteria. Bacteria play a very important part in the nitrogen cycle in which ammonia, or NH4 is turned into nitrite, NO2 using the bacteria in the genus Nitrosomonas. Nitrite is then turned into nitrate, NO3 by bacteria in the Nitrobacter genus. Ultimately, the end result is levels in wastes that are toxic tend to be very low, and are processed into bits that the main producers can easily use. Detrivores, or animals that scavenge, have a somewhat similar job in turning out dead and waste material. Other organisms that contribute to this are sea cucumbers, bristle worms, and some species of snails.[21]Coral reef trophic structureThis is a diagram of the food chain i n the coral reef. It better describes how the energy is transferred between the tiers. Solar energy is taken in by the primary producers, the primary consumers eat the primary producers, the secondary consumers eat the primary consumers, and the tertiary consumers eat the secondary and primary consumers. Each of these tiers can be decomposed and have their energy given back to the primary producers. Also between each stage of the ecosystem pyramid is the loss of heat energy. [20] Though they may seem like a stable ecosystem, many threats are present to coral reefs. Their delicate structure can be very easy to disrupt, pollute, damage, and overall harm. Things like the acidification of the ocean, global warming, coral bleaching, levels in carbon dioxide, water pollution, sedimentation from construction, fishing practices that are destructive like blast fishing, and coral mining are good, yet terrible examples of threats.[9] Carbon dioxide, along with other gasses that trap heat is being constantly thrown up into the atmosphere, helping the process of global warming. Acting as a sort of shield, these gasses do not allow the heat we get from our sun to leave the Earths atmosphere. One of the main reasons this happens is deforestation, and the burning of fossil fuels. When heat isnt allowed to exit the Earth, water temperatures rise. This is very dangerous to coral reefs, which are super sensitive to changes in temperature, as the reefs require a certain temperature range to function. When the coral polyps become stressed from rising temperatures, they discharge the algae living within them, which give the coral most of its energy. When this happens, the colour also goes with the algae, leaving the coral looking bleached. As bad as this seems, there are chances for coral to recuperate if the environment returns back to normal in a fair amount of time. Most bleached coral die, however. [14] Coral Reef Bleaching This diagram shows how the process of bleaching occurs. Healthy corals have zooxanthellae all around the body. As conditions worsen, the zooxanthellae leave the coral. The coral starves and dies. After a while, another kind of algae covers the coral, making it harder for the corals to gain back their zooxanthellae. [9] Carbon dioxide content in the air has increased by about one third over the past few decades. The carbon dioxide also mixes into the water, which also is thought to be dissolving the coral, letting other threats like wave damage, fishers using destructive means, and possibly even tourists who do not care too much about being careful become much more of a threat than usual[9] Pairing with global warming, the depletion of the ozone layer is caused by chemicals in the atmosphere, one of which is commonly known as CFCs, or chlorofluorocarbons. These chemicals further the depletion of the ozone layer, pumping up the amount of the suns radiation. In more shallow areas, it is believed that the damage done to corals increase.[9] One of the leading causes for the destruction of coral reefs scientists have found is pollution. Pollution of all sorts damage the reefs, be it oil, gas, or pesticides. These reefs and the organisms that live within the system are poisoned whenever animal and/or human wastes, fertilizers, and chemicals are dumped into the ocean, or get carried by rivers into the ocean into the waters that reefs exist. When these bad things are introduced, levels of nitrogen in the coral reefs grow, resulting in an abundance of algae. The extra algae then start cutting off sunlight from the coral, starving it of important nutrients. Floating trash and other similar wastes can cover and block the reefs from getting sunlight as well. Mistaking plastic bags for sea jellies, turtles will often go after them and eat the bags. If they do, the plastic inside will starve them to death because of blockage in the digestive tract. Ghost nets or nets that have been lost, discarded, or forgot about may catch hold of reefs, strangling many fish, turtles, and other marine mammals. [9] Careless tourists and things affiliated with tourism can pollute damage and kill corals reefs as well. Resorts near sites with reefs might have septic tanks that leak, seeping sewage into the waters nearby. These establishments might also simply dump waste they want to get rid of into the waters. The people themselves can damage the reefs as well by either accidentally or purposefully step on, kick or grab corals or the sediment around them, stirring up sand and sediments that can block sunlight as well as damage the corals directly. Setting down boat anchors nearby can destroy corals too. This usually happens when people attempt to mine the reefs of coral colonies. Broken pieces of coral can be used for bricks, road filling and when ground up into limestone, will be mixed into cement for construction. This is not the only reason corals are taken. They can be sold as tourist souvenirs, jewelry, and decorative pieces.[9] Certain ways of fishing are pretty destructive to the environment as well. Practices like over-fishing, using blasts or charges to kill fish, and even fishing with cyanide are all threats to reefs, and any other ecosystem. Most fish caught using cyanide are sold in primarily in Asian countries, and given to customers in restaurants. Catching fish with cyanide involves fishers actually diving down into reefs and squirting cyanide into the crevices of corals and onto fast moving fish, stunning them for catching. Other fish nearby along with coral polyps are poisoned by this.[9] Over fishing is another big cause of coral damage. A lot of times, a population near a reef will catch too many fish from a single reef to feed themselves. Things like banging sticks against the reef destroy formations of coral that provide homes for fish. Blast fishing, or fishing with explosives, is very bad for coral. When a charge is set off, the surrounding area is blown to bits, leaving little intact.[9] Numbers of people that live along coasts have risen, leading to higher uses of the resources from the coastlines. This is causing many problems for waters near land developments, especially for coral reefs. Some cities like Hong Kong, Singapore and Honolulu had beautiful coral reefs. Due to the rising populations, however, things went sour for the reefs. Pollution, construction, docks and piers to name a few have been made. Some establishments have even been made directly on top of the reefs, both destroying them and leaving the little coral that survived barely any sunlight. Reefs are still experiencing this fate as more human communities grow along the shores. image This is a diagram showing some -but not all- threats to coral reefs. By following the arrows, it is evident that just one these threats can lead to a multitude of consequences. This diagram does not even list all the potential threats. It is safe to assume that if all the threats were listed and shown this way, the result would be extremely overwhelming. The more word spreads about how much can harm a coral reef, the better.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

College Hazing Essay -- College University Student Hazing Violence

Hazing in universities across the nation has become an increasingly dangerous ritual that is seemingly becoming more difficult to put an end to due to its development into an â€Å"underground† activity. Though a regular activity in the seventies, hazing, a possible dangerous act of initiation to a group, has now become an activity that is banned in thirty-nine states (Wagner 16). However, this ritual has not been stopped or become less severe. In fact it is becoming more dangerous. Since it has been banned, with many colleges imposing their own penalties against those participating in it, many fraternities and sororities have pursued this activity in an underground fashion. Since these groups have gone underground, some victims of these rituals have been injured and subsequently died. This is due to the â€Å"hazers† not seeking medical treatment for the victims, for fear that they may be fined or charged by police or campus authorities. One estimate states that at lea st sixty-five students have died between the years of 1978 and 1996 from beatings and stress inflicted during fraternity initiation rites (â€Å"Greek† 26). Hazing has been defined in the Pennsylvania Hazing Law as â€Å"any action or situation which recklessly or intentionally endangers the mental or physical safety of a student or which destroys or removes public or private property for the purpose of initiation or admission into or affiliation with, or as a condition for continued membership in, any organization operating under the sanction of or recognized as an organization by an institution of higher education. The term shall include, but not be limited to, any brutality of a physical nature, such as whipping, beating, branding, forced calisthenics, exposure to the elements, forced consumption of any food, liquor, drug, or other substance, or any forced physical activity which could adversely affect the physical health and safety of the individual, and shall include any activity which would subject the individual to extreme mental stress, such as sleep deprivation, forced exclusion from social contact, forced conduct which could r esult in extreme embarrassment, or any other forced activity which could adversely affect the mental health or dignity of the individual†(â€Å"Pennsylvania Hazing Law† 1). The importance of this hazing situation is the fact that people are being injured, both physically and... ...itiation Remains the Most Secret of Campus Rituals – and the Most Debauched.† The New York Times Magazine 3 Nov. 1996 : 50. â€Å"Former Student Wins #375,000 in Omega Psi Phi Hazing Suit.† Jet 4 Aug. 1997 : 23. â€Å"Greek Tragedies.† U.S. News & World Report 29 Apr. 1996 : 26. Kempert, Jim. â€Å"New Education Options Reduce Punishment for Greeks.† National On- Campus Report. 12 Apr. 1999 : 12. Nuwer, Hank. Broken Pledges: The Deadly Rite of Hazing. Atlanta: Longstreet, 1990. â€Å"Pennsylvania Hazing Law.† 30 Nov. 1999. Online. Internet. 9 Dec. 1999. â€Å"The Persistent Madness of Greek Hazing: Phychologists Provide Insight on Why Hazing Persists Among Black Greeks.† Black Issues in Higher Education 25 Jun. 1998 : 14. Pudlow, Jan. â€Å"Sour Note for the Marching 100.† Black Issues in Higher Education 10 Dec. 1998 : 18. Ruffins, Paul. â€Å"Frat-ricide: Are African American Fraternities Beating Themselves to Death?† Black Issues in Higher Education 12 Jan. 1997 : 18. Schleifer, Jay. Everything You Need to Know About the Dangers of Hazing. New York: Rosen, 1996. Wagner, Betsey. â€Å"Hazing’s Uses and Abuses.† U.S. News & World Report 27 Jan. 1997 : 16.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Joan Didions Essay Los Angeles Notebook -- Didion Los Angeles Noteboo

Joan Didion's Essay "Los Angeles Notebook"   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Santa Ana winds cause people to act more violently or unruly and makes others irritable and unhappy to a great extent. Joan Didion explains to the reader about how the Santa Ana affects human behavior in her essay â€Å"Los Angeles Notebook.† Through the use of imagery, diction, and selection of detail Didion expresses her view of the Santa Ana winds.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Didion paints uneasy and somber images when describing the Santa Ana winds. â€Å"There is something uneasy in the Los Angeles air†¦ some unnatural stillness, some tension,† starts the essay off with the image of Los Angeles people in a sense of stillness or tense. She further adds, â€Å"Blowing up sandstorms out along Route 66†¦ we will see smoke back in the canyons, and hear sirens in the night,† propagating the uneasy and stark image of Los Angeles. â€Å"The baby frets. The maid sulks,† she adds, giving a depressing view into the effects of the Santa Ana winds on people. Didion, in an attempt to show the craziness associated with the Santa Ana winds, points out the Indians who throw themselves into the sea when bad winds came. At any rate, Didion attempts to show the negative effects of the Santa Ana winds through images of stillness, uneasiness, and sobriety.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In her tone, Didion remains clear, consistent, and vivid. Her choice of words remains simple as if to not alienate the readers of her essay. Her tone for the first half of the opening, primarily the first and second ...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Hybrid Electric Vehicles Essay

Hybrid cars are thought to be the vehicle of the future, with increasing emphasis being put on cutting carbon footprints and protecting the planet. Not long ago Hybrid cars were the preserve of the particularly eco-conscious, but they have now made their way into the mainstream. Most major motoring brands offer Hybrids with models like the Toyota Prius, the Honda CR-Z and the Lexus CT proving popular. They work by combining a fuel engine with electric batteries, which reclaims energy when the car brakes or converts energy from the petrol in the fuel engine. However, more manufacturers are developing ‘plug in’ Hybrids, which offer the option to recharge more powerful batteries through a common household electricity socket. Hybrids are environmentally friendly One main reason drivers opt for a Hybrid over a standard car is that they want to cut the impact their motoring has on the environment. These motors are more eco-friendly as they encompass two engines – a traditional gasoline engine and an electric motor and batteries – which work together to cut fuel consumption. This makes them the car of choice for motorists who are environmentally conscious and know that opting for a gas guzzler will have a negative impact on the environment. They also have a lower running cost In tough economic times when the cost of car insurance and petrol is rocketing, people will do anything to keep the cost of their car maintenance down. Investing in a Hybrid is one way to do this. Thanks to the two-engine system Hybrid drivers will use around half of the petrol or diesel, making for fewer pricey trips to the gas station. You get road tax breaks In an effort to encourage people to be eco-friendly in their motoring practices, the government is encouraging people to drive a Hybrid by giving them road tax breaks. Depending on the carbon emissions of their particular car, drivers will either pay less road tax or none at all. Hybrids are expensive to buy in the first place While you might save on running costs, Hybrid cars tend to cost more than their equivalent gas guzzling counterparts. However, the difference tends to stand at around ? 1,000 to ? 2,000, meaning that it is very possible to make your money back in the long run. Some people are concerned about the batteries Hybrids utilise batteries and some people are worried about the toxicity of these. However, today’s models use NiMH batteries rather than the environmentally difficult nickel cadmium ones. Furthermore, these battery packs are designed to last for the lifetime of the vehicle. New parts and servicing can be inconvenient and expensive. Due to the innovative technology utilised in Hybrid cars, mechanics at traditional garages do not have the expertise to fix them should something go wrong. This means that Hybrid owners need to take their motor back to the dealer for servicing. In no way should they attempt to fix the problem themselves as there is a risk of electrocution. What’s more, because Hybrid’s are newer and rarer getting hold of new parts can be an expensive process, which can make maintenance on the car more expensive than with an older motor.

Monday, September 16, 2019

The Road Not Taken Explication

The Road Not Taken Explication Stanzas 1 and 2: It is evident that the scene in the poem takes place during an autumn setting which is implied when line 1 it states, â€Å"TWO roads diverged in a yellow wood†. The â€Å"yellow wood† simply means that the leaves are changing colour; therefore, it is autumn. Frost also portrays the narrator as observant and cautious speaking with an almost regretful tone. This can be seen in line 2 where he says â€Å"And sorry I could not take both†, the narrator’s observant behaviour is also evident in line 3 and 4 when he says, â€Å"And looked down one as far as I could/To where it bent in the undergrowth;†.The road that branches off in two different ways gives the narrator a difficult time with choosing which way to go and this adds confusion and uncertainty in the atmosphere as well as a calm and reflective mood. In stanza 2, it describes the physical appearance of the two paths stating that neither best the oth er; â€Å"Then took the other, as just as fair,/†¦ Had worn them really about the same,†. The diction also amplifies the idea of equality within both roads; words include â€Å"fair† and â€Å"same†.The road is also describe to be well worn meaning that many people have passed by facing the same situation and seemed to have chosen the two paths equally as well. The path is likely to be a symbol of the different choices that a person must make and while both are equal and alike in many ways, it remains a concern to whoever the decision maker is due to the possibility of choosing the worse of the two. Stanzas 3 and 4: More information on the setting has been stated, it’s an autumn morning in a forest with a lot of yellow leaves on the ground.In line 13, â€Å"In leaves no step had trodden black. †, it means that the narrator is alone. The narrator later says that once he has picked his path, he can no longer go back. The roads have now become a symbol of pivotal moments in which the narrator has only one chance to make a decision. This adds tension to the atmosphere because, although there is no time frame, the narrator is still force, by his conscience, to pick a path which, in turn, takes away his ability to pick the other path.Lastly in stanza 4, the narrator decides to pick one road deeming it the different one because, even though both roads were the same, what makes them different is that one has been chosen by him to walk on. Overall, this poem shares mostly the emotion of regret due to the fact that regardless of how joyful the narrator is of picking one road, there is still â€Å"what if† hanging in the back of both the narrator and the readers mind.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

My Beliefs and Values

‘My Beliefs, Values, and Clinical Gestalt with Individual’s and Systems’ Paper Ariele Henderson University of Phoenix CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINALITY: I  certify that  the attached  paper,  which was  produced for  the class identified above, is my original work and has not previously been submitted by me or by anyone else for any class. I further declare that I have cited all sources from which I used  language, ideas and information,  whether quoted  verbatim or paraphrased, and that any and all assistance of any kind, which I received while producing this paper, has been acknowledged in the References section. This paper includes no  trademarked material, logos, or images from the Internet, which I do not have written permission to include. I further agree that my name typed  on the line below is intended to have, and shall have the same validity as my handwritten signature. Student's  signature (name typed here is equivalent to a signature):   _________Ariele Henderson__________________ ___ ‘My Beliefs, Values, and Clinical Gestalt with Individual’s and Systems’ Paper When it comes to being a human services worker there are many needed attributes. A human service worker’s beliefs, values and clinical gestalt play very important role in how they treat and assist clients. Human service workers strive to put their clients at ease, and to help them meet their needs. Through the text exercises and classrooms discussions I have learned that there are many things that I need to work on in order to ensure that I will be an effective and productive social worker. In the exercise â€Å"Clients I might find hard to accept† I learned that it is not for me to agree or disagree with their beliefs, but it is for me to try to see things through their eyes in order to assist them properly. The goal of every human service professional is to help those in need. To do these human service professionals must not push their beliefs or values onto their clients. I will come across clients that come from different backgrounds, environments, and who different beliefs and values. None the less they are human and should be treated as such. One must keep an open mind when working with clients. When doing so clients will feel respected, confident, and comfortable. Human service professionals must learn, and grow from past experiences. A Human service professional’s repose should be calm, exhibit reliability and confidence. Clinical repose is an area that I need to work on. I need to be able to ensure that I can remain calm, regardless of what is occurring around me, or in my personal life. Large societal and system contexts, lead to immediate contexts. It is always good to know where a problem comes from, in order to find a solution that will be beneficial. Dillon & Murphy (2003) states: The clinician's anchored and relaxed presence acts as an island of calm and allows the client to stay self-focused without being distracted by the clinician's needs or anxieties. This repose is central to supportive presence. It provides a clear but unobtrusive holding environment for the work and the relationship. Clients come to know that they can count on the clinician to remain centered and steady regardless of events and developments. Even in the face of the unexpected, clinicians try to remain as calm and reliable as possible (p. 1). My personal and professional assumptions about clinical helping and their relationships to my beliefs, values, past experiences, familiar and cultural background are: that in clinical helping one must see value for the lives, health, and well being of others. In clinical helping one can learn from past experiences, from an individual’s cultural background, and maybe by even changing one’s values after learning and forming a connection with clients. Before this course I was under the impression that my beliefs, and values have no place in the human services field, I thought that leaving them out would be best for my clients, I have learned otherwise. I have come to the realization that one’s values and beliefs are what make them an excellent human services worker. Human service professionals have a genuine concern for other people. When seeking employment in the human services field, future employees look for agencies that share their beliefs and values. I would find it very difficult to work with staff members who do not try to the best of their ability to help clients due to differences in values, beliefs, backgrounds, or preconceived ideas. The National Association of Social Workers (2009) states that an ethical principal for social workers is that: Social workers treat each person in a caring and respectful fashion, mindful of individual differences and cultural and ethnic diversity. Social workers promote clients’ socially responsible self-determination. Social workers seek to enhance clients’ capacity and opportunity to change and to address their own needs. Social workers are cognizant of their dual responsibility to clients and to the broader society. They seek to resolve conflicts between clients’ interests and the broader society’s interests in a socially responsible manner consistent with the values, ethical principles, and ethical standards of the profession (p. 1). Insights that I have gained about the strengths, I have are that my strengths in listening, and open my mind to the views of my clients are needed strengths, and will be beneficial to me and my clients. There are some areas in which I have determined that I need to work on further. I need to be more aware of the gestures that I am making, and my facial expressions, so that my clients will feel comfortable, and place their trust in me. I also need to find a way to use my values and beliefs to assist clients, but not to form my opinions, or influence decisions. Dillon & Murphy (2003) acknowledges that: Individual values are cherished beliefs that develop in the context of family and sociocultural influences. Clinicians may value anything from personal autonomy to personal hygiene and can find themselves dismayed or offended by clients who do not share their value systems. As clinicians, we need to be aware of our values and how they influence our responses to clients in ways that may leave them feeling unaccepted. Clinicians must be dedicated to being nonjudgmental—unconditionally accepting people for who they are without necessarily accepting all their behaviors. The clinician's nonjudgmental stance leaves clients free to confide openly and honestly without fear of rejection, shaming, or reprisal. As we work with clients and are exposed to diverse situations and beliefs, we often find that our values are challenged and changed. A side benefit of clinical work is that our lenses are inevitably widened so that we both see and appreciate more of the world beyond our own. We ourselves stretch and grow through exposure to differences (p. 1). Human service professionals must be able to put their feelings aside in order to serve the client. It is our ethical responsibility to not let our beliefs and values get in the way of our decision making. It is up to the social workers to ensure that their clients feel comfortable, respected, and that they have confidence in them as a change agent. I believe that I have a lot to learn, and a lot of areas that I need to work on, but with practice and awareness I will go far. Reference Dillon & Murphy (2003) Interviewing in Action: Relationship, Process, and Change. Retrieved December 14, 2009, from e-books chapter 4 University of Phoenix National Association of Social Workers (2009) Code of Ethics of the National Association of Social Workers. Retrieved December 14, 2009, from www. socialworkers. org/pubs/Code/code. asp Rankin (n. d. ) Motivational Interviewing in Human Services. Retrieved December 14, 2009, from http://www. media. ncrtm. org/presentations/ARCA_50/ppt/rankin. ppt

The Fourth Plinth of Trafalgar Square

The Fourth Plinth of Trafalgar Square is very different from the other three – instead of carrying a grey statue it always surprises one's eye with a contemporary sculptural piece, which is changed every two years. But the question is – does the contemporary art sculptures fit into the classical space of Trafalgar Square? The Fourth Plinth of Trafalgar Square, built in the north-west corner, was designed by Sir Charles Barry in 1841. It was intended, that it would hold an equestrian statue of William IV, however due to insufficient funds the statue was never completed.The plinth stayed empty until 1858, when a statue of Edward Jenner was unveiled. Still, it was removed four years later due protests by anti-vaccinationists. After that, it was unused for more than a century, and became In 1999, when the Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA) launched the Fourth Plinth Project, three contemporary sculptures by Mark Wallinger (Ecce Homo (1999) – a life-sized figure of a man, wearing a loin cloth and a crown of barbed wire, with his hands tied behind his back, referring to Jesus Christ), Bill Woodrow (Regardless the History 2000) – a bronze sculpture showing the head of a man crushed over a book, both bound to the Plinth by the roots of a dead tree) and Rachel Whiteread (Untitled Monument (2001) – a transparent resin cast of the actual Plinth, standing upside-down on the original) have been commissioned to be displayed temporarily on the Plinth. Regarding the enormous public attention, the Mayor of London began the Fourth Plinth Commissioning Group (a commission of specialist advisers appointed to guide the commissions for the Plinth) and since then the Plinth has been used as a location for exhibiting specially commissioned works by contemporary artists.After standing empty again for a few years, the Plinth was again open for exhibit in 2005, when a controversial statue Alison Lapper Pregnant by Marc Quinn unveiled. This has caused many discussions, since some were questioning on the shock value of disability, as well as lauded for its progressive social values. Also, the statue reactivated the discussions about the purpose of contemporary art in this antique location. In 2007 Marc Quinn's work was replaced by Thomas Schutte's Model for a Hotel 2007 – a model of a twenty-one storey hotel from red, yellow and blue coloured glass.It brought a feel of After two years, the colourful, static sculpture was replaced by presumably most interesting and negotiable project on the Fourth Plinth – Antony Gormley's One & Other, turning the plinth into a â€Å"living monument†. This involved 2400 people, picked from the public after applying on the project's website, standing on a plinth for one hour – 24 hours a day for 100 days without a break. Selected people were allowed to use the Plinth any way they want, do anything they want, including dancing, music , performing, reading poetry, or even just doing nothing at all, making a raw epresentation of both, individuality and the whole of humanity at the same time. The performances were broadcast live over the internet 24 hours a day. The project also caused a lot of discussions, since many people did not consider this as an appropriate act of art for the Trafalgar Square, rather as an act of snobbery. The current sculpture on the Fourth Plinth is Yinka Shonbare's Nelson's Ship in a Bottle. It was unveiled on 24th of May, 2010. This work of a Anglo-Nigerian artist is a replica of Nelson's ship, the Victory, inside a large glass bottle stopped with a cork.The artwork marks the preserved importance of historical symbolism of Trafalgar Square. It is a reminder of the Battle of Trafalgar and is directly related to Nelson – this is one of the reasons which excludes the piece from the others exhibited on the Fourth Plinth. Soon, the turn for a new art piece will come, so at the moment s ix more commissions for the Plinth are being considered. All six of them were exhibited in St-Martin-in-the-Field gallery near the Trafalgar Square until the end of October. The first one is Battenberg by Brian Griffith. The Pink and yellow decorated cake was nvented especially for Queen Victoria's granddaughter – Princess Victoria of Hesse – to Prince Louis of Battenberg wedding anniversary in 1884.The sculpture made of handmade bricks is reminiscent of this little piece of history. Sikandar by Hew Locke echoes the British Army General, Sir George White, a monument standing in Portland Place. â€Å"Sikandar† translates as Alexander in Urdu. A hybrid between the name of a famous ancient conqueror and the image of the British Army General, modernized, studded with medals, jewellery, chains, materials, according to the creator, symbolizes the hero ant the eroic concept of the evolution of today's world. It's never too late and you can't go back – this it th e name of the third piece by Mariele Neudecker, depicting mountains. From ancient times mountains symbolize monumentality, strength, eternity and glory. Looking from below the sculpture, the mountain line forms a map of Britain, so it perception of the work may easily switch from dimensional landscape to territorial The blue Hahn / Cock by a German artist Katharina Fritsch symbolizes the awakening, strength and renovation. This sculpture would easily catch one's eye between the grey statues of theTrafalgar Square – the surrealism of its huge size and ultramarine colouring is inevitable. Allora and Calzadilla's work Untitled (ATM/Organ) is actually a combination between an automated teller machine (ATM), installed in the Plinth, connected to a pipe organ on top of it. It will produce sound by driving pressurised air through pipes selected while pressing the ATM machine keyboard. The last sculpture is Powerless Structures, by the authors Elmgreen & Dragset.Gold coloured boy roc king on a particular childhood symbol – a rocking horse – might symbolize the value of rowth and maturity, at the same time showing a future hero, â€Å"the heroism of growing up†. So for now the dilemma is – the blue rooster, an equestrian decorated with medals, sequins and chains, a sound-producing ATM organ, a golden boy, rocking on a toy horse, a brick cake or a floating mountain-scape – which of these works will be the next one in queue for the Fourth Plinth? Finally, seeing these new brave, exceptional and innovative proposals it is very likely that these six candidates will cause as much arguments as all of the other of their predecessors. It is still ften discussed if the Fourth Plinth is an appropriate location for contemporary art pieces, but since the plinth itself has a meaning of a base for a sculpture that is excluded from the surrounding and defines it as art, once again it leads to the eternal questioning of what is art itself, or i f we should interpretate this enviroment as a for one-art-kind-only space, but residents and guests of London seem to enjoy the Fourth Plinth a lot more than all the grey.Fourth Plinth http://www. london. gov. uk/fourthplinth/ Antony Gormley's Fourth Plinth, Trafalgar Square – Telegraph http:// ww. telegraph. co. uk/culture/4838343/Antony-Gormleys-Fourth-Plinth-Trafalgar- Trafalgar Square – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/ Trafalgar_Square#Fourth_plinth Archinect : Discussion Forum : Culture : The Fourth Plinth (Stop Frame Animation) Day 1 http://www. archinect. com/forum/threads. php? id=90208_0_42_100_C157 Alison Lapper – The Student Room http://www. thestudentroom. co. uk/ showthread. php? p=2723396;highlight=fourth%20plinth BBC News – Trafalgar Square fourth plinth candidates unveiled http://www. bbc. co. uk/ news/uk-england-london-11022665

Saturday, September 14, 2019

The Real World of Technology

This essay is in context to Ursula Franklin’s â€Å"Real World of Technology†. Urusla Franklin is an Author, research Physicist, Metallurgist and Educator. She was born on 16th September, 1921 in Munich, Germany. She is known for this reading, The Real World of Technology, which is based on her 1989 Massey Lectures, and The Ursula Franklin Reader: Pacifism as a Map, a collection of her papers, interviews, and talks. In this reading, the Author, Franklin has named the title â€Å"The Real World of Technology† because she wants to speak out or tell the real truth about technology.She wants spread awareness to the world regarding the ill effects of technology on humanity. If left-unchecked technology will eventually destroy society as we know it. She differentiates the use of technology in the past, what it is at present and what it will be in the future. Franklin illustrates her point by focusing on the effects technology has had on society and cultures in the past . She uses examples from China before the Common Era to the Roman Empire, with a majority of examples coming form the last one hundred and fifty years. Such as the Industrial Revolution and the invention of electronic mail.Franklin contends that for society s sake, people must question everything before accepting new technologies into their world. In the book, Franklin s argument urges people to come together and participate in public reviews and discuss or question technological practices that lead to a world that is designed for technology and not for society. The Real World Of Technology attempts to show how society is affected by every new invention that comes onto the market and supposedly makes life more easy going and hassle free while making work more productive and profitable.The lectures argue that technology has built the house in which we live and that this house is continually changing and being renovated. There is very little human activity outside of the house, and al l in habitants are affected by the design of the house, by the division of its space, by the location of its doors and walls. Franklin claims that rarely does society step outside of the house to live, when compared with generations past.The goal for leaving the house is not to enter the natural environment, because in Franklin s terms environment essentially means what is around us that constructed, manufactured, built environment that is the day-in-day-out setting of much of the contemporary world of technology. Nature today is seen as a construct instead of as a force or entity with its own dynamics. The book claims that society vies nature the same way as society views infrastructure as something that is there to accommodate us, to facilitate or be part of our lives, subject to our planning.Franklin writes in-depth about infrastructure and especially technological infrastructure. She claims that since the Industrial Revolution, corporations as well as governments using public fu nds have invested heavily into technological infrastructures and that: the growth and development of technology has required as a necessary prerequisite a support relationship from governments and public institutions that did not exist in earlier times.Franklin feels that the current environmental crisis that is facing the world–polluted air and water, acid rain and global warming to name a few, are due to the infrastructures built to support technology and its divisible benefits. Because of the newfound relationship between government and the private sector and the fact that these infrastructures can’t be built without the governments of the world, the state is just as much to blame for the current condition of the environment as any polluting cooperation.The difference between a private company and the government, Franklin insists, is that citizens surrendered some of their individual autonomy (and some of their money) to the state for the protection and advancement of the the common good – that is indivisible benefits. When governments do not attempt to stop the destruction caused by the creation of these infrastructures, the government is doing a disservice to its citizens. Just as the Industrial Revolution led to productive and holistic divisions of labor, she fears that new technologies non-communication technologies

Friday, September 13, 2019

What is a purpose of a college education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

What is a purpose of a college education - Essay Example However, even the best college institutions are not providing these skills. The main purpose of the higher education institutions, colleges in particular, should be to provide the students with a wide range of skills that would help them in functioning appropriately in the workplace such as broadmindedness and problem solving skills that may not be accomplished if the institutions are underequipped. This claim is correct because the modern world has intense competition that requires an individual to be equipped with a wide range of skills since some job positions are highly competitive. Therefore, if one position is not available, an individual can utilize other skills and work in a different position. The article, â€Å"College at Risk† by Andrew Delbanco maintains that although the original purpose of colleges had the interests of the students in mind, it has changed. In fact, in a broader sense, a college institution is a place where the students encounter ideas both from fellow peers and from instructors that help them in becoming creative. In addition, the concept of broad-mindedness was meant to be emphasized through college education. This was meant to help the individuals in dealing with hardships that they may encounter in the workplace. Personally, I agree with these claims. The higher education sector has become a commodity that is only available to the wealthy few; therefore, secluding the unfortunate ones and diverging from the original purpose, which was not economic-oriented. I have also seen many colleges charge very high tuition fees, which was not the case in the past. For instance, my own college has been charging higher fees as compared to previous years. This implies that only the wealthy can afford higher education. This is affecting the availability of opportunities and acquisition of skills especially in the American society, thus affecting the original purpose of colleges. The colleges have concentrated on profit

Thursday, September 12, 2019

LOreal Consultancy Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

LOreal Consultancy Report - Essay Example Following in part four the report will identify organizations and alliances, what impact they may have on the industry and on the competitive position of L'Oreal. Finally, I determine what strategic options are the most appreciate to this organization to ensure its success in the next five years. The sales of cosmetics and toiletries is on the rise after it slowed down globally in 2004, the world market was valued at $253 billion in 2005. With a positive growth after sentimental recovery from SARS scares and the war in Iraq (GCI, 2006), with strong cosmetic sales in Latin America and Eastern Europe, peaking in Western Europe the largest market. According to indications there was a 4% growth in 2004, an according to the Global Cosmetic Industry Magazine the Euromonitor International forecast of a possible 20% can be obtained if current key trends are followed. Dividing the world cosmetic market in two sections, the mature and the developing markets, it is possible to show where sales are peaking, and where there are still opportunity for expansion. The mature markets can this be seen as Western Europe, Asia Pacific, North America and Latin America as this are where the lion share of the market currently lies. Many of the consumers in this mature market demand more sophisticated products and due the amount of competition product prices needs to be reduced if a company wants to stay competitive. The one market in this section that shows promise are China and most of the high profile players are entering this new market, such as Este Lauder and P&G, with retailers including Sephora and Sa Sa, and direct sellers Avon, Alticor, Mary Kay and New Skin (GCI, 2006). Developing markets can be seen as Venezuela, Vietnam, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa and Russia. In 2003 Vietnam showed a 19% growth in cosmetic sales even though demand are still concentrated in the urban areas, offering ample opportunity to expand. The South African market showed a healthy growth as consumers started to buy high margin multi-functional products. With more black South Africans entering the middle income group with the governments aggressive affirmative action policy,

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Economic Development Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Economic Development - Research Paper Example However not every policy makers and academicians have the same opinion regarding the contribution of the organization in the achievement of economic development. Thus this paper aims in studying the relation between the economic development and economic stability of a nation and the contribution of the IMF in achieving so. Meaning of economic development Economic development of a country means the process of increasing the per capita income as well as per capita output of a nation accompanied by the increase in the overall productivity and improvements in the techniques of production that will ultimately result in the increase in the well being of the overall society. There is considerable difference between economic growth and economic development of a nation though sometimes they are used synonymously. Growth of the economy of a country must precede as well as prompt the economic development of a particular nation. Therefore it can be said that economic growth accompanied by the st ructural transformation of a nation results in the economic development of the overall nation. Thus for the overall economic development of a nation, growth of the country’s economy is the necessary condition and the structural transformation forms the condition of sufficiency. ... These factors in simple words differentiate growth of an economy from the overall development of the same. Therefore for a proper definition of economic development it can be said that the structural, institutional and the qualitative changes that are needed in an society for expanding the capability and the potential of the same in the proper utilization of the scare economic resources of the country is reflected in the economic development of the country. The structural transformation if an economy imply the overall growth of the Gross Domestic Product of an economy contributed by the productive increase of the primary , the secondary and the tertiary sector of the economy and the relative contribution of each sector in the country’s total GDP. Moreover the degree of openness of an economy and the country’s dependence on foreign trade also encompasses the economic structure of the country. Therefore for development of an economy there is the requirement of a positive change in each of these variables with a long term impact on the economy that is fundamental. These changes in the structure of the economy is in need of changing, more specifically improving the poverty level of the country for the achievement of economic development. In case of economic development the increase in the economic well being of an individual as well as the society as a whole gets reflected in the changes in the living conditions of the society people with improved nutrition, improved health, improved housing facilities along with betterment in the education structure of the society that will impact on an overall upliftment of the society with flavors of metropolis.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Clinical immunology lab report (ELISA) Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Clinical immunology (ELISA) - Lab Report Example iagnose for certain diseases such as HIV/AIDS, hepatitis and prostate cancer among many others as well as to measure certain hormones such as the human chorionic gonadotrophins. These tests capitalize on the fact that that many viral, bacterial, fungal, and parasitic illnesses generate established antibody reactions. Therefore, the recognition of antibodies specific to infectious agents in patients’ samples aids in the identification of infections such as influenza, HIV and hepatitis (Estridge & Reynolds 2011). In some instances such as syphilis, it is impossible to separate actual disease-causing organisms. Therefore, immunological tests find immense relevance in the diagnosis of these infections. Contemporary immunoassays have advanced from the need to identify and measure multifaceted biological molecules in situations where physical and analytical chemical techniques are not feasible (Bonwick & Smith 2004). In the early stages of immunoassays, the workers were restricted to using simple techniques that quantified the precipitation that occurred as a less important event after the binding of a number of antibodies to several antigens. This technique was difficult and had numerous limitations that restricted its use. Advances on improving the method led to the development of enhanced ways of identifying antigen-antibody reactions. The first method was radioimmunoassay by Berson and Yalow, which enabled the identity of the putative molecules by measuring radioactivity (Gan & Patel 2013). However, the problems associated with the disposal of radioactive waste led to the need for safer alternatives. In addition, radioimmunoassay required sophisticated equipment to obtain measur ements. ELISA became the most suitable alternative for detecting and quantifying antigens and antibodies ELISA is among the most common immunological tests in modern use. It entails the addition of an antigen or antibody to a firm surface, which in most instances is usually a polystyrene

Monday, September 9, 2019

Successive governments have sought to alter the meaning of ministerial Essay

Successive governments have sought to alter the meaning of ministerial responsibility by emphasising the distinction between a ministers role in creating policy - Essay Example The responsibility of Scottish Ministers: whilst planning decisions are above all an issue for local establishments, these Scottish Ministers can get involved by calling in every aspect, for their individual fortitude. To recognize applications appropriate for call in, a warning scheme is in position. This affirms that, prior to a scheduling authority, they can award permission for certain grouping of expansion, and they have got to inform the Scottish Ministers. Formerly, there were several kinds of expansions. These incorporated expansion which required ecological impact estimation, noteworthy exodus from the progress plan, enormous business and commerce growth, main retail developments in addition to development within the green strap (J, 2002). The character of policy along with policy making is diverse within the Whitehall as well as the Westminster. It is fundamentally expressive of the progression and makes no effort to bypass any decision, on whether the existing preparations are effectual in distributing the purpose of policy making or not. It is supported on the familiarity of the authors as well as information derivative from other Constitution Unit projects, reversed up by more than 19 interviews with the past Ministers in addition to equally ex- as well as existing civil servants along with counselors. Although the partitions can in standard be strained amid policy formation, the expansion as well as the delivery, these kinds of differences are hardly ever drawn in observance as well as are somewhat synthetic. The Policy is gradually more seen as concerning an incessant loop, with acknowledgment that a strapping focus on relief is essential if the policies are to be triumphant on the floor. There is no significant dissimilarity, apart from within very restricted state of affairs, amid the strategy of individual Ministers as well as Departments in addition to the policy of the

Sunday, September 8, 2019

In networking communications, packet switching is more flexible than Research Paper

In networking communications, packet switching is more flexible than circuit switching because of the full potential bandwidth, error free data transfer and multiple communication sessions - Research Paper Example In circuit switching, one path exists which is dedicated to facilitating communication between two stations. This communication path consists of connected links (in a sequence) between different network nodes. Communication that takes place through circuit switching occurs in three phases: Data Transfer, Circuit Establishment and Circuit Disconnect (Furukawa, et al., 2010). Circuit establishment takes place on a link-by-link basis. It involves the connection of routes and allocation of resources. On the other hand, the circuit disconnect phase involves the withdrawal of the resources previously allocated. The switches have to know how they would find the route that would lead them to the destination. Further, the switches must determine a method of allocating the bandwidth that would help in the establishment of a connection. Another name for the bandwidth is Channel (Shao, Jones & Melhem, 2009). One of the properties of circuit switching makes it less preferable to packet switching is that circuit switching is inefficient. The channel assigns and dedicates the whole of its capacity during the entire time of a connection (Furukawa, et al., 2010). This means that in the even that there is no data going through the channel, the capacity of the channel goes to waste. This makes circuit switching to perform below the desired efficiency levels. The second property is the delay associated with circuit switching. Circuit switching has a long initial delay (Sun, et al, 2013). The time that this type of switching takes to establish a circuit to start the process of communication is long. In addition to that, even after the establishment of a circuit, circuit switching has delays in data transmission. After the establishment of the circuit, the transmission of information takes place at a fixed rate. Because the rate of data transmission is

Saturday, September 7, 2019

FIN Unit1 - Individual Project Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

FIN Unit1 - Individual Project - Research Paper Example The proposal will consider each country’s trade policies, currencies and culture. Turkey and Italy: Review This part of the assignment will discuss about the currency, trade policy and culture of a turkey and Italy. Currency of two countries: Advantages and Disadvantages Italy is the member of European Union. Euro is the currency of Italy. This currency has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of this currency outweigh the disadvantages. Euro is the single currency between the members of European Union. It eradicates the need of currency exchanging between Economic and monetary members. Economic and Monetary members saved an average of 30 billion US dollar in a year by switching to this currency. Elimination of volatility of currency exchange rate between the members of European Union is another advantage of Euro. On the other hand, switching to a single currency forced the members of European Union to give up their rights to the change of monetary and economic po licies. It is the major disadvantage of Euro. Despite the disadvantage, the members of European Union made it easy to sell and purchase the goods cross borders. Moreover, the lending and borrowing become easy through the concept of this single currency. In addition, fixed exchange rate of 2.25% provides significant benefits to the members of European Nation. This benefit includes the promotion of international investment and trade. In developing countries this benefit can enhance economic growth. Recent financial crisis is the major concern for Italy. On the other hand, Turkey is not the member of European Union. The country uses Turkish Lira as their major currency. The currency of Turkey has several bilateral tax treaties and investment with US that can ensure the elimination of double taxation. Moreover, this currency gives guarantee repatriation of capital in the convertible currencies. The central bank of Turkey has tightened the monetary policy after the inflation rate increas ed to 10.5% in the year 2011. The central bank of the Republic of Turkey provides several flexible policies, such as foreign exchange auctions, interest rate corridor, and adjustments to the repo auctions and requirements. These policies will help to stabilize the Turkish Lira. The currency recently has depreciated by 25%. EU and Turkey: Trade Policies Europe is considered as the leading global trading block. It accounts for one-fifth of the global trade. Each and every trade policy is developed for the 27 member states among the European Union. These members generally share a single market and border. It helps to empower European Commission when it talks with all the partners of European Union. The commission effectively acts as the negotiator for a specific negotiation process. This commission represents the members of European Union in the World Trade Organization. The European Commission provides unity to mould a key open for global trading process that offers fair rule. However , the trade policy of Europe helps several European organizations to generate employment and significant investment opportunities. Several new markets for the European E\exports are effectively open through the trade policy of Europe. The European Commission works on daily basis to remove unwanted export barriers. Moreover, effective and potential opportunities in European investment are motivating several